2003-06-24 : 8:21 p.m.
<- Teeball and overtime ->

OK OK OK...here goes my newest entry. Does anyone else have the problem that all their good ideas for diaries come when there are no computers handy? Maybe its just me and the fairies that have these problems, oh well.

Life has been interesting here lately...I am just recovering from a marathon work/tball schedule. I am not sure who I royally peeved to win this schedule but evidently I need to be more careful :-). I have worked 2 weeks worth (6 twelve hour shifts) in 8 days. I know some of you work lots more, for that I am sorry but it really doesn't make me any less tired. What's worse is they were hard nights- sick patients, little staff, moron physicians, irrational families, need I go on? And I was supposed to be the fearless leader (who's brilliant idea was that I wonder). Incredibly ill patients on overflow... not always my idea of a good time but I volunteered for this gig so I guess I can't complain...strike that make it shouldn't complain, we all know I will always be ABLE to complain :-).

Speaking of volunteering....way back in March when I signed my little 'uns up to play teeball I had a mental lapse and checked the box marked "assist coaching". In case the rest of you didn't know, marking this box is something akin to signing your own death warrant...you will never again do anything right and no one will ever be willing to help with your endeavors. YOU have now been warned as I was not. I know getting to play with 10 4-6 year olds sounds like fun, but really its more like crowd control, dodging stray balls and bats and playing telephone tag with irresponsible parents. Ok the some of the parents aren't really irresponsible they just aren't committed....what has society come to when athletics are not valued above all else? I mean is it my fault mom and dad are both working at practice time...lets face it they need to acquire time off to make sure their child is practicing the athletic season du jour! (in case you didn't know I am being a wee bit sarcastic here).

Anyway I digress...so I checked the little box (I swear I heard snickering from the woman at the sign up table..grr)and I hear nothing from them for almost a month. (no news is good news so they say) Then the "head coach" (nope not touching that one :-)) calls to tell me about the starting practices and says "hey do you still wanna help, so ans such are helping etc, etc" so I say stupidly/brightly (pick your own adverb here) "sure I would like that". Two days later the bomb drops.... "head coach" calls back..."we have too many kids for one team and no one else can do it will you coach the other team?" Me: "I guess if no one else can. I have no idea what I am doing but hey, they are 4 year olds they won't know the difference right?" HC: "yeah, uhhh, right...I'll mail ya the roster and the phone numbers and all that stuff." Me: (still in mental lapse): "Great!" Here is where we note that I have to go out of town for the hospital the next week (to Vegas yes it was torture but somone had to do it hehehehehe). I get back from my trip to find thatI have disappointed parents, commisioners, and other assundry busy bodies because I was wasting time not getting this team going etc etc etc. Furthermore that some other Jerk who wanted to be coach decided to make a practice...fine with me I didn't want to be "the" coach anyway. (I admit I was more than a bit peeved). Of note now I have to beg for help coaching the bases and keeping the kids on the field from being hurt by errant balls, I am so glad these people thought I was negligent....

Fast Forward to last weekend..it rained...that means no teeball :-(. That means rescheduling games :-(. So I rescheduled on my only day off in 8 days. This evidently was not convenient for a coach in a different league who wanted to use the diamond then but hadn't yet signed up for it....tell me again how this is my problem? So inspite of multiple efforts to move our fair team to a time more convenient to the other teams (ie not my opponent's) we played our game...it was a great game our 6 players were in fine form...yes I said 6 players thats how many we have left :-(...but they love to play and its great to see kids truly having fun. Did I mention we almost won? 18-17. :-)) However waking up for a game at 11 am Saturday after I worked from 7p Friday to 7am Saturday and had to work 7pm Saturday till 7 am Sunday really wasn't on my list of fun things to do. We did win this one so maybe its all worth it... Lest I complain Grimm will evilly(is this a word?) remind me that I did volunteer for this myself and thus I am not to be pittied, nor is he indebted to help me in anyway shape or form. Note taken sniff, sniff :-(.

I guess if what they say is true (by the way who is they?)...and what doesn't kill you makes you stronger; I am thinking me and the Hulk can be going a round here soon! .....But can we make it after my nap?
The current mood of indianannie@yahoo.com at www.imood.com
Last Five Entries
- - 2004-03-02
Coming Soon - 2003-12-01
what if........ - 2003-09-25
I need a vacation - 2003-08-25
Fianlly he sleeps..... - 2003-06-28

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